The Back to School Shoes Project is an initiative of Project Forward, a 501(c)3 nonprofit started by Robin and Blaine Lewis, the owners of Fleet Feet Roanoke.
The goal of The Back to School Shoes Project is to provide NEW SHOES and NEW SOCKS to students who attend Roanoke City Public Schools’ Back to School Extravaganza. The event provides families with needed school supplies, backpacks, and more.
As we know there is significant need in our City. Roanoke City Public Schools has more than 14,000 students, and according to data from the Virginia Department of Education, currently 8,000 students identify as economically disadvantaged.
This is the last week to contribute in order to get new shoes to students before the school year starts! Help us finish strong! All week long, we are donating $1 for every pint sold!!